1. Never compare yourself to a british person when it involves drinking. You will loose.
2. Yes, that big fat black bird with a white chest is called a Magpie. It took me a while to not freak out when I saw this bird.
3. Don't try a British accent. It makes you look fake. This also includes when you are drunk.
4. Update your wardrobe. The british are really into fashion and can teach you a lot.
5. Don't be too American. That is what makes countries hate us.
6. That is not a 7 year old driver the car. The driver is on the other side dumb butt.
7. People will drink in public. Do not be afraid by this.
8. Look right when crossing the street. The roads will confuse you for a few weeks but you will get used to it.
9. The british are horrible drivers.
10. When a guy calls you fit, it is not because you work out.
11. Eat cabobs. They are amazing!
12. If you like Karaoke, you can find it anywhere at any time.
13. Do not use the term double fisting when holding two drinks. They will judge you and think you are dirty. Call it double parking.
14. The weather changes every five minutes. That is why everyone here wants to be a weather man. It is easy and predictable. (i.e. it's going to be sunny today. It might rain.)
15. Mayo and milk taste different. This led to many horrible meals for me.
16. Fish and chips are always the fall back food.
17. Parliament has an amazing building. Better then our congress. (rip-off)
18. Skype sucks. Especially when you are halfway across the world.
19. commercials are way better here.
20. Make a deported list. Always a must.
Good luck!!